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Gen Glam, beauty brand Ad script.

CLIENT: Gen Glam

LENGTH: 0:33 secs

COMMERCIAL FOR: Gen Glam Lip Gloss Ad

SLOGAN: Wear your Confidence.

HEADLINE: Wear your confidence on your lips with our Best-selling lip gloss.



0:00 – 0:01 Fade In

Starts with a woman named (Rachel) sitting on the chair at her office, she is informal sophisticated attire (formal skirt shirt white and black hair tied up)

0:02 her colleague greeting her with a smile.

0:03 greeting back her colleague with a smile.

0:04 Started Chatting with her colleague on Rachel’s desk

00:05 Rachel looking at her phone talking to Lara

00:06 Lara talking

0:07 handing over Rachel the lip gloss.

0:08Rachel looking at the lip gloss

00:09 Rachel looking at her phone again its Jessen’s profile.

00:10 it is a match; a message appears on her phone’s screen he is asking her out tonight at Wendy’s at 8 pm.

0:11 She said yes.


0:12 After Clock hit & at Rachel’s watch she is about to leave she looks at the lip gloss that Lara gave her and put it in her bag.


0:13 she is heading out of her office.

0:14 finding a cab finally a cab stopped

0:15 opens the door.

0:16 the cab is on its way to Wendy’s


Looking on her watch

0:18 - 0:22

Rachel is started changing clothes in the back seat.

0:23 looking in the front mirror fixing her hair she is about to reach.

0:24 Rachel taking out the Gen Glam lip gloss from her bag.

0:25 starts to apply it. She looks stunning and confident.

0:25 Cab driver looks at her. The car stopped she arrived.


0:26- 0:27 Jessen is waiting, she walks to him.

0:28 Jessen complimenting her on her looks.

0:29 - 00:30

Headline displays with the product

Wear your confidence on your lips with our Best-selling lip gloss.


0:31 – 0:32

The white logo appears against a pink background with a slogan.


Fade Out

0:02 Lara (her colleague): Hi Rachel, how was the meeting?

0:03 Rachel: Hi Lara, it went well.

00:04 Lara: So, you did find someone on the dating app?

00:05 Rachel: Well I guess there is a guy Jessen but I’m feeling nervous.

0:06 -0:07 Lara: Wow Best of luck babe, here take this Gen Glam lip gloss this will make you look more confident. I got to go now see you.

0:08Rachel: Well, thanks.

Music (Upbeat & happy) starts from 00:10


00:10 Rachel: OMG he asked me out!


0:11 Rachel: Omg it's Happening tonight.


Rachel: Oh, my confidence! lets you try at least.

0:13 - 0:14 music in a hurry

0:15 Rachel: Driver to Wendy’s hurry!


Rachel: it's 7:40 already!!

0:18- 0:22 Music Upbeat & happy

0:23 Music Upbeat & happy

0:25 Driver: wow.


Rachel: hey Jessen.

0:28 You look Stunning and more confident in person Rachel.


0:29 - 00:30

Wear your confidence on your lips with our Best-selling lip gloss.



Wear your confidence.